Tuesday, May 29, 2007

More States

On our road trip we managed to spot loads more licence plates. My first Alaska spotting was in Vegas and the most recent one was Rhode Island here in Albuquerque.

We also saw a Washington D.C. car at Mesa Verde, which I thought would kind of be like the cherry on top. But I'm missing two States and so my cake is rather strange looking. All cherry on top while the icing is not yet finished.

I am missing Vermont and bloody West Virginia. I thought it would be harder to see the licence plates of States not actually physically connected to the rest of the country, but NO.
There are Hawaii and Alaska all over the show, just those last two missing. And it's been more than a week since the last new spotting.

I am hoping that someone from West Virginia will pass me by in their car in Taos over the weekend. And hopefully someone from Vermont will park next to us somewhere in town today.

The first Alaska plate I spotted (actually it was Alexander- I just screamed in excitement). It's kind of cute. I will try to post a couple of pictures from our trip soon.


Stephen van Dyck said...
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Stephen van Dyck said...

We saw plenty of West Virginia plates while we were in West Virginia last week. I thought of snatching one off a car and mailing it to you. How come on the previous map you say you've seen Vermont, and on the updated one, you say you haven't? It says the green patches are the ones you have seen.
Anyhow, I love your blog!