Thursday, June 07, 2007


I left Albuquerque Tuesday morning on a Southwest flight.

I had just settled into an isle seat at the back of the plane when a lady started shouting behing me "That man! That man is moving my bags!" I looked up and saw a guy moving a piece of cabin luggage from one overhead compartment to another. The lady (rather heavy set) was standing right behind me and the next moment she started flying up the aisle in the direction of That Man.

Between her and the poor guy were two flight attendants but she managed to work her way past them in a space about as wide as my hips to to get to the poor man and tell him off. On her way back she shook her head angrily while whispering through gritted teeth, "Jesus Christ!"

The rest of the flight was rather uneventful. I picked up the new US Weekly at the airport and was done with it halfway to LA.

At LAX I proceeded to the international departure terminal. I checked my luggage and then proceeded through security. I had forgotten which side Alexander told me was more dead at the airport and I figured it must be the side before security.

I was wrong. I will form now on refer to the section beyond security at that airport as The Deserted Waistland Beyond Security.

God it was depressing. But there was some good news. At a newspaper stand I spotted the new i-D and it had Bjork on the cover! Yay! It also had a feature on Kate Moss. How lucky can a boy get?

I got some coffee and a bowl of (rather bland) chile, before boarding for my flight to Bangkok.


Alexander Santillanes said...

No! How many times did I tell you?? The LAX International Terminal PAST security is dead! Now you know the value of listening to me closely. -X

Marita Says said...

I know. I know. I could have kicked myself when I went through security and was greeted by blandness. But hey, I got the new i-D there!